Hello Dears
Could you please help me identifieng this stones ?
The river I found this is full of white quartz and chalcedoney and many green and blue-green stones with same specifications.
Their densities are 2.52~2.58 and hardness 6~7.
I believe the first two are Nephrite Jade. I’m not sure about the light green one. It looks like Precious Serpentine called “New Jade” in the trade, but that would not have the same hardness. I believe the light blue is Chalcedony/Agate. I don’t know about the black one and I’m not sure what type of light test you are doing to make the middle ones fluoresce bright green.
@lottied: Don’t think it is fluorescing, it is very dark green which shows on his flashlight at the edges. It’s thick elsewhere and so it shows black. @SaeedP74377: it can’t be seerendibite if it is NOT pleochroic, because serendibite (which I have never seen!) is listed at wikipedia as strongly pleochroic. I specified that in my earlier reply. This is what the separation feature in GTpro gave me. -royjohn
Could be, but I didn’t see any thin edges on the black sample. It would be helpful to know Saeed’s location where he found these stones. Nephrite Jade is more common and can range from light mottled green to almost blackish green.
If you look at the pictures of the stone sitting on the top of a flashlight, you will see it is mostly black, but the thin edges are green. Am I blind? This is the last two pictures. That’s what I see. I am going from the stated value of SG and hardness, that’s all. -royjohn
royjohn is probably right. I did notice that in one picture there was sample that looked more like dark green and had something black next to it. I love Jade, both Nephrite and Jadeite, but don’t work with it in the rough.
The dark stone with green transparency you posted images of with torch illumination:
…is consistent with the parameters of Olivine var. fayalite or forsterite. Both are potential producers of gem quality Peridot.
I invite you to review this IGS article. There are other sources I can post if needed. Please review the section on refractive index and optical properties, as they are key indicators for the optical behavior of these two varieties.
Geologic information on the olivine group can be researched here:
I am leaning towards Chrysocolla Chalcedony, as you indicated they were collected from a river bed with a specific hardness and SG. The rounded shapes hint at water medium alluvial deposit as well.
However, without knowing the watershed and geologic strata / location, they could be something else. It is hard to know via images without additional test data.
As for the lighter green and the grayish-blue stones… they could also be chalcedony but not chrysocolla based.
Well… lots of information. I, for one, believe that most of what is shown is colored varieties of chalcedony. Remember quartz is easily colored by trace elements. Most of the images seem to show some level of “conchoidal fractures” that are slightly obscured by weathering. I have seen all these colors in chalcedony before. Not very likely olivine, which is rarely (never) found in the same rock association as quartz… and it does not weather well (not very resistant) and thus is rarely found as good stream pebbles… although I have visited the green beaches of olivine sand in Hawaii (short travel distances from phenocrysts to beach sand). I also agree that unless we know the origin of the area (metamorphic or igneous) it is difficult to give accurate info… jade is in a metamorphic terrain while olivine is in an igneous terrain. JUST a few of the problems we face when someone posts a “picture” and wants a definitive answer…LOL.
Very thanks for your reply and information.
Most of stones in the region have density of about 2.58 and hardness 6-7 and most of the region is full of green stones , white quartz , chalcedoney , flints . There is no metamorphic rocks in the rigion but some igneous visible.
small to medium stones layered and build big mountains just like human made walls . The stone are layered in layers but this mountains are naturall.
Please check satellatie picture of region :: ((region is desert and seems to be ocean in past with many sea fossil creatures.))