White Phantom Amethyste under UV/ Reactive Powellite?

Could you help me identify the Pha that appears yellow when this white amethyst is under UV.
She comes from Brazil.
What is the yellow that appears? Is this really Extremely Rare Pale Amethyst with UV Reactive Powellite



Welcome to the forum! That is an interesting specimen you have!

Amethyst is a variety of Quartz. It’s purple hue is caused by the presence of Iron and/or from irradiation.

The crystal in the image may or may not be amethyst. Since it is lacking the purple to lilac hue, it may not have sufficient iron content to be classified as amethyst. The yellow florescence seen under the UV tracks with some of the inclusions that are present in the normal light image. There is some slight brownish tint seen in the fractures. This could be due to a dye, or a secondary mineral being present. It is difficult to determine what it could be from an image.

What type of UV light did you use? SW UV will cause a slight blueish glow in amethyst, but under LW UV it typically does not react.


Thank you for your response,
It is 100% an amethyst, the lot comes from an amethyst mine, only UV LW was used and which brought out the purple color, here is a photo with natural lighting and I put a clear quartz in the middle to mark the difference.

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That is an excellent comparison! I can now see the slight purple color in the two. Did you see same type of reaction to UV from the other crystal?

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No, the other quartz does not react to UV at all. I even tested it on a dark amethyst, no reaction either. I know that the deposit only one person had access to this mine. I also give you a photo of these amethysts when they are still raw.

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Your amethyst may be exhibiting fluorescence due to powellite inclusions, but it’s not conclusive without further examination.


Thank you for your response, I will add information that I have just received: the reaction in yellow appears under the 3 wavelengths, if ever this information can help :slight_smile:

Do you know if that particular mine also has calcite deposits? Calcite and inclusions including calcite can fluoresce yellow.


As a gemologist, I will tell you just looking at this it does not qualify as an amethyst. Even if it came from an amethyst mine. It qualifies as a included clear quarts. Without more tests you could only guess what is included.



Can you share pics from other sides? It’s very cool!