Was this a good purchase?

20$ aquamarine

Was this a good deal?

Still cleaning it up …

It will make for a very nice set of cabs or maybe even a small carving. So from that perspective I say it was a good deal.

Hard to tell from a pic and how it could be cut.

I will take better photos now that i have cleaned it more i bought a number of samples i think could be amazing for the small price tag

Oh and these for me



I disagree with Mike and as Robert stated earlier:

That aquamarine would make a fantastic intaglios! Just as the ancient Greek sailors did over 2000 years ago. There are more sides to a stone than just the mossy one… :grin:


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Yeah i already found a beautiful use for he cloudy end … teasting my stones and finding sapphire fossils…

And it would maks a couple of beautiful things the phone wasn’t doing the color justice

Are you happy?
If you are happy then it was a good deal.
I bought 2 purple stones rough uncut, about same size. Bought 3 blue sapphires rough stones. Bought 1 yellow rough gem stone.
I will begin grinding when I can afford to buy a gem grinder next.

Yes I absolutely do i found a beautiful gemmy portion and I am useing the less than desirable area for hardness testing since I found a source of sapphires.