Are there any definitive inclusions to look for in a beautiful transparent synthetic Ruby, for making a gem ID ?
Curved Striae; Spherical Gas Bubbles; Bread Crumbs … immediately come to mind.
Thanks for your input. Where can I find good info on the “Bread Crumbs”, since I’m not familiar with it.
TomC 6/8/22
Thanks ! Since you’re a helpful person; and I’m not intending to bug you, but, do you happen to know if there’s a club around here where members of The Society are working together to find info about “gem inclusions” for supporting positive ID’s of corundum stones. That is, for "natural untreated’ & “natural heat treated” & “good/well made synthetics” & “poor synthetics”. Maybe, only very few people know how to ID these kinds and/or conditions of corundums. Do you know if such a group exists here ?
Continue to look through and find additional information on internal inclusions.
With regards the synthetic ruby inclusions, yes the curved striae and small air bubbles (sometimes in tiny clusters) are the best evidence.
Bread crumb inclusions are usually mentioned when looking for signs of synthetic amethyst… not ruby. While some rubies can be very clean, it is not common… so consider and extremely clean, calibrated ruby to be a reasonable INDICATOR of synthetic. Let the reader use discernment.
Curved striae and bubbles are signs of flame fusion synthetic corundum. Other, premium synthetics have different inclusions. Look around on line and you will find pictures of the various inclusions for the various synthetics.
Just so anyone wondering why the entries I made above were (deleted by author) … It was because I was having difficulty with the photos and the link to them loading properly. So the AIGS link above has them all there to see real nice. Enjoy.
there are several courses you can take on GEM I D