I just finished my 3rd quiz and am ready for my practical exam. I was wondering if i’ll get some sort of email informing me when the gems are shipped or if I just have to wait until they show up at my door. I would also love some advice on the test. I don’t have all of the required equipment and what I do have just doesn’t seem to work or I’m doing something wrong. I have a refractometer, a dichroscope, a loupe, a chelsea filter, and a pocket microscope 60x to 120x. I can’t afford new equipment so it’s this stuff or nothing. Any advice helps. Thank you.
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Hi Hailey! I emailed you directly to answer your questions. Best, Lisa
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Hi Lisa,
I also need to know when the 15 stones will be shipped to me for the identification test. I’m having a hard time getting a hold of someone to answer this!
I recently finished the Gem certification course, I received the 15 stones a few weeks after I finished the second exam. The tools you have a all you should need to make the identification. Some were easy to ID and a few others were a bit of a challenge, in the end I got 14 out of 15 right, the 15th I had it partially Identified just not 100%.