Pink Kunzite

That is a very colorful ring! I like it! Well done! :star_struck:

I would like to state a cautionary note: Some (not all) kunzite is sensitive to sunlight! Some pinks are irradiated to enhance the hue, then heat treated to make the color “more” permanent. These can still fade to colorless, if heated above 500C or exposure to intense sunlight.

Tenebrescence is the phenomena. This is a characteristic found in the spodumene family. It is more prevalent in the blue variety, but can affect kunzite as well. If the stone has chromium, it can be irradiated to recover the pink hue. However, there is risk it would be a temporary effect.

There was a discussion on this effect last July/August.

Another good resource on Kunzite:

You should caution your customer, who purchases that work of art, about protecting the stone from sunlight and that it should be considered an “Evening Stone”.
