PARAIBA tourmaline

Good morning to the community.
I sometimes look for specific Paraibas.
Is one of Igs member expert merchant/seller of those gems, brazilian provenance a plus. Or high end mozambique. Higher carats, certified
Regards to All.

I Have Brazilian Pariaba Tourmaline 4 Gems that weigh a little over 3 Cts. Together… They are among the first ever sold after there discovery… I have the Receipt from “Equatorian Imports Inc.” Dated 4/19/1990. I am interested in selling these…

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I have an over a 3 ct Brazilian paraiba ( GIA cert of origin) set in a platinum jewels by star diamond mounting . Great color let me know if you have interest… can send several pictures and cert Copy . I am a GG GIA, CGA AGS
Sold this ring 14 years ago customer put in a safe and forget about it. Have a detailed appraisal from Borsheims in Omaha.