Is this Aquamarine?

Is this light greyish blue aquamarine ? I found it in the colorodo mountains on one of the mountains about 3/4 from peek

. It has a gravity of 2.67. Weight is 45.8 grams and seems to have a hardness of 7.5

Hard to tell. If you can, grind and polish a flat on opposite sides of the stone to get a better sense of the transmitted color.
Commonly, aquamarines tend to have very low tone and saturation, making it difficult to see the blue coloration in most small stones. So the best way to get a sense of color is being able to look through the stone via the longest possible path.

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I’ve never seen any aqua that was that opaque or that particular dark color blue…as already stated, aqua tends to be a lighter to medium blue and in its darker shades it is usually a very saturated blue or blue-green. Since you are getting some transmitted light thru it when it sits on that light, I would looking at it through a dichroscope for dichroism. Easiest ID would be to find someone with a refractometer and polish a face to get an RI along with evidence of birefringence or not and of degree of dispersion. There ought to be someone in your local gem and mineral club who has gem ID experience and a refractometer who would test it for you. Magnification might show some characteristic inclusions, but it’s so close to opaque that I don’t know whether you’d see any.

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Almost certainly not beryl, and even if it was, it is worthless…


always hard to tell from pictures but whatever it is, it doesn’t look valuable being opaque and looking like ordinary stones in the first photo… may be it could be tumble polished as is to see what comes out…

gem sites in Colorado include Lake George/Pikes Peak and Mt. Antero… Mt. Antero and Pikes Peak-Badger Peak is the only place that beryl is found. If it came from somewhere else, probably not aquamarine. whatever it is, doesn’t look valuable… you could throw them all into a tumble polisher and see what come out…

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Hi stranger. Just thought I’d say hello!!
