I purhased an irradiated beryl, 29.83 carats, knowing it was treated. I love the color . It is a deep blue. It does not look like the blue geen natural aqua color, more like a saphire blue… But still love the stone. I paid $1500. It came via Thailand, with a brochure AGL Thai laboratory. Will the color fade? What is an estimated value of the stone? Did I get a good value or did I waste my money? It is oval shape; Cutting style - crown - brilliant cut; Cutting style Pavillion - Fancy cut… The stone reflects light beautifully, and it transparent, not opaque or cloudy.
Wow, that’s a lot of money for a stone that has been treated. More than likely it is not aquamarine, from the articles that I have read most aqua changes to a light green after irradiation. If it does turn a dark blue it is not stable. Unfortunately, probably would have been better off buying a natural aqua, just my opinion.
Send me picture brazilianogems@gmail.com
Dear Sinairjr,
I dont own a cell phone and dont really have a convenient way to send a picture. I appreciate your interest. I have decided to return the stone to the seller, and will get my money back. Another person also replied to me to say that it is a lot of money to pay for a treated stone; that it is probably unstable, most like not an aquamarine, because he says irradiation would turn the stone to light green, not dark blue. The color is an intense sapphire blue. It does not look like an aquamarine at all. Thank you for your interest.
Dear VFuller… I thank you for your reply. I dont think the stone looks like aquamarine at all. I have notified the seller that I am returning the stone tomorrow vis registered mail. Thank you for you reply. I am grateful to you for your insight. Regards, Steven Steverino361
I really hope the person/business you purchased the stone from returns your money. In the future, if buying from an individual in person it may be worth getting something in writing and signed by both parties establishing that the purchase was made with the understanding that “X was purchased for X by X with the understanding that X is exactly who X claims it to be”…
I use Paypal . I will return the stone to sender. He must credit my Paypal account within days. I dont believe there will be problem with the refund. Paypal is very good for this type of situation. hank you for your reply.
I was just in Bangkok at the Jewelry Trade Center and there is a ton of heated Blue Cambodian Zircon doing the rounds at the moment. I’m wondering if that’s potentially what you got because it definitely doesn’t sound like Aqua Marine.
The structure of the cut appears to be hexoginal, ( beryl consistent.) I told the seller I was going to return the stone . He still insisted it was a blue beryl (aquamarine). I dont know the structure of Zircons well enough to say that is what I have. I will have the stone examined by a jewelry expert. , I have decided to keep the stone after the seller offered a partial refund , and he is shipping me a natural large untreated aquamarine which I selected from his website at no charge to me. Thanks to my discussion and advice from this site, I had the power and knowledge to demand a better deal. I thank you and everyone for your replies. It helped enormously. When I show it to my expert, I will let him know what you told me. Thank you knightpac.
I got the seller to agree to a partial refund,plus he is sending me at no charge a 22 ct. untreated aqua (light blue) which I selected from his website. Knowledge is power and your comment helped me get a better deal. Thank you.
Dear Sinairjr, I will ask a friend with a cell phone camera to send a picture to you when I can. I=Meanwhile, I told the seller I will keep the stone after he offered me a partial refund plus he is shipping me a 22 ct natural untreated aquamarine which I chose from his website. Knowledge is power and all of the replies here helped me get a better deal. A much better deal, Thank you my friend.
hmmm interesting. Zircon is Tetragonal so if what you say on the crystal structure is correct then it’s definitely not zircon. I will be interested to hear on what the gem identification comes out as. It may simply be a new treatment for Aqua that has not been seen to date. Who knows…but I will be following this thread.
Ok! Good luck! Best regards
I have read all your posts and it sounds like you did a good job negotiating a fair outcome for you purchase. I am just curious if this was a piece of rough or was it a cut stone?
A cut stone, beautifully cut, oval shape.