Hello everyone, just got the SSEF report done for this 9cts Colombia emerald.
Color is unfortunately not Vivid green, but the clarity is pretty good.
I am curious about the value in price, looking forward to see your options about it.
Thanks in advance everyone.
Greetings from Amsterdam
Vivian Hu
Vivian Hu
HI Vivian Hu,
Is any Gemologist person in your town,
Let me know where are you located please.
Are you the owner and how did you get this emerald?
If you email me with a bit more information and close up photos I may give you an estimated.
Best Regards
Mauro Carvajal
January 22, 2020, 1:31am
I am curious to see what others value it at.
January 22, 2020, 1:37am
I am also getting some new material from La Pita mine this week. I buy direct from one of the owners. Should you have need of our services feel free to contact me whattsapp or phone 573173812463.