Help identifying any of these

I numbered each one and the gravity density is written at bottom of each one. Any idea of these and possible value. Thanks

#1 looks like a moss agate
#4 & #5 look like quartz

This is what i would say they are by just looking at them.

Looks like Serpentine, called “New Jade” in the bead & Jewelry trade.

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SpG range is within that of quartz stones. Serpentinite also in same SpG range. Serpentinite minerals much softer than forms of quartz.

Can you share where they are from (region where they were found or believe to have been from originally)? Also, can ton share a pic of the other sides? Finally, if you feel comfortable doing do, for the second from left can you rub a bit of any sort of fat on the side shown in the pic, lightly wipe it off with a dry cloth, and see if the colors/details become enhanced/more visible. If so, send the after pic. For the fat, olive oil or vegetable oil works great and can be easily washed off. Of course, you may not want to do that (and others may feel it’s not a good idea), but it’s an old trick that I started doing with stones like this after noticing they while wet, or when they natural oil from your hands touch the surface, fine grain detail can sometimes really jump out. So it’s something I do regularly, but i’m a collector/hack :slight_smile: