FedEx Jewelry Shipping Program

Hi Dear Friends,

I was searching for shipping methods and reached FedEx.

What is your opinion about this note?

Thank you,


The few times I have had stuff from the US (to Australia) that was shipped with FedEx, never a problem. A quick read thru that doc, it answers all of my questions but one lol…how much is the insurance. Its always the insurance that makes shipping expensive.

Having read it quickly, specific questions for me would be…How long do you need to be in their stated “relationship” and other conditions given to receive the cheaper coverage?

The other side of it seems like its one hell of a registration/approval method?

I use a service provided by Jeweler’s Mutual Insurance that utilizes the Zing platform. I find they have the lowest rates if you can get an account with them. The platform allows you to search for shipping options from all the carriers at one time, which is super useful!