FAQ and Forum Rules

Welcome to the IGS Forums!


How do I post here?

You must become member of GemSociety.org. Then login to your account and come back to the forum and click the “Login” button in the upper right and you’ll automatically be logged into the Forum.

To start a new topic, click the “New Topic” button in the upper right of the screen. To reply an existing thread, click the “Reply” button at the bottom of a thread.


  • All topics of discussion must be gem-related in some manner.

  • Any discussion related to buying, selling, or advertising gems and/or gem related services must be posted in the “For Sale” Forum category. Discussions of this nature in other areas of the Forum will be moved or deleted at IGS’s discretion.

  • Do not ask for donations or financial assistance. Any posts of this nature will be deleted.

  • IGS does not make any representations or warranties with regard to any goods or services or information mentioned in the Forums. Please do your own due diligence.

  • By using this Forum, you agree that IGS is not liable to you for any inaccuracies, errors, omissions, or for any damages whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, that may arise from your use of the Forums.

  • IGS reserves the right to moderate the Forums as it sees fit and in its sole discretion.

Thank you for reading! Enjoy!