Five years ago, I inherited a large collection of faceted gemstones. I’ve sold several, but I’d like to move more of them on to other owners, so I’ve turned the collection over to Clar’s Auction House. The collection includes: emeralds, sapphires, amethyst, citrines, opals, rubies, aquamarines, tourmalines, peridots, topaz, spinels, iolites, garnets, and much more. The auction will begin this Friday (1/19/2024), at 9:30am (Pacific Standard Time). My stones make up 25 different lots, starting at lot #571 and finishing at lot #601. Clicking each lot brings up additional information, and clicking on the lot arrow keys in the upper right of the page moves through the lots. This is an opportunity to pick up some amazing gems at amazing prices. Please pass the word. Thank you!
Faceted Gemstone Auction
Why is this just posted on October 5, 2024, when it occurred on January 2024? Color me confused.