Up until a couple years ago, i was content to cab Malachite, Azurite, Turquoise, etc., affter all living in southern AZ has numerous locations of killer material. But then I crawled out from under my rock and saw Ethiopian opal for the first time. I was not into Australian, too much $ to get into good gem grade. This was way cheaper and brighter. Fast forward about 3000.00. in rough.Turned it into 730 carats the only way I know how. Shape with dremel / diamond cut off wheel. Then sandpaper and discs 220 through 4000 grit, then cerium oxide on leather. All done dry with a respirator…I dont have a cabbing machine, I have strong hands and patience though. I admit i need to better my skills. I intended to never sell them, but life is suggesting otherwise.
With lack of calibrated stones, and some being polished rubs at best. Im having trouble coming up with a suitable price for the entire lot. Im very realistic and brutal on grading. Ii have been checking opalauctions , gempundit, ebay completed sales, googling at nauseum. These are all over the board. Im thinking 7000.00 for all of it, less than 10 a ct. , but I dont know
If any of you would be willing to bestow a little wisdom my way, I will be eternally grateful. Thank you for bearing with my verbose**[quote=“RobertS90372, post:1, topic:25123, full:true”