Emperalial Topaz

What is the up to date price of the Emperalial topaz ?

what is the up to date price of the Imperalial topaz ?

You can find the price guide for Imperial Topaz, very saturated reddish orange color, here.

Sometimes “Imperial Topaz” may refer to a wider range of colors, including intense yellow, orangish yellow, and pink. Our price guide lists the values for pink topaz separately.

Values for a wider variety of Imperial Topaz color of good to superb quality may range from $60 to $200/carat (0.5 to 1 ct); $200 to $1,250/carat (1 to 3 ct); $350 to $3,500/carat (3+ carats).


I have several carats of Imperial Topaz, fine and certified cuts. I can sell them for a very good prices, do you know some buyers of Imperial Topaz ?


Best Regards


I am looking for bayers also , one 3ct 4ct and a 6+ct and CERT iMPERIAL Topaz ,my6ct + any one can have for $82000.00 asking price.

Hello there,can you sent me the pictures about your cutting imperial topaz?

Victor Dias,