I’m not looking to get in a pissing contest, but, I have carpooled with Richard Drucker from Phoenix to Tucson twice and still work with a gemologist who was his partner for many years.
Am I smarter than him? I have no idea, he’s definitely a better gemologist than I will ever be.
Have I bought and sold 100x more gems over the past twenty years than he ever will? I absolutely have.
Do I know market prices better than he does? Yes, 100%, because the system Gem Guide uses for their pricing is VERY VERY GOOD, but, very few people actually buy any of the gems they are researching. There will be exceptions with stones I don’t deal in, he likely knows the pricing of Zultanite and Demantoid better than I do, but, not emerald/ruby/sapphire etc.
Going to the article you seem to be using as ‘proof’ that there is low heat, this article is about high heat, not low heat. In the industry, we have known about the ability to use Hight Heat & Pressure with Geuda for a very long time, as soon as the high heat came out, people were buying up all the grey material they could find to treat it/retreat it.
Until I see evidence or, at the very least, a scholarly article about this mysterious ‘low heat’ process, I simply won’t believe it.
I’m open to being proved wrong, but, I’ve been selling gems since I was fifteen years old and been doing it more or less independently for twenty years, and I know how to sniff out BS stories.
Note that with all the people with a ton of knowledge on this site, nobody has given any real support to this low heat process being a real thing.
Believe what you want, but, over twenty six years in the business tells me that this is an ‘old wives tale’. Although impossible to prove either way, I would bet $100 that it started with someone trying to sell a heated stone to someone who wanted an unheated stone.