What books have you found helpful? I am looking for a good field ID book for rocks and minerals. I am also going to be attending a gem and mineral show this summer and would enjoy a take along book for “shopping for gemstones” I am also hoping to go "hunting for rocks this summer and any books on areas with lots opf rocks would be helpful
What books do you have on your shelf?
Here’s a couple books I use all the time.
Gem Identification Made Easy - Antionette L. Matlins & A.C. Bonanno
Gemstones of the World - Walter Schumann
Good luck,
Which area of the country are you going to be looking for rocks and minerals?
I was planning a trip around Georgian Bay Ontario in late July, early August before it gets too cold. (Combined fishing/ rock hunting trip) I understand there are Garnets up there and I have always found the Great Lakes area to be rich in interesting rocks.
In the Fall we are going as a group to Arkansas to dig at Crater of Diamonds. Since that will only be a day trip (and I doubt it will be all that fruitful) I was hoping to find other interesting areas to dig for rocks in that area. We will be staying in the Hot Springs area for about a week. Any ideas?
You really can’t do better than Schuman or Matalin. I use them constantly, and keep them close at hand for bedtime browsing! Schuman is now in the Fifth edition, so try for that. The Schuman book also has examples of many cuts, which helps when you are looking at faceted stones.
I was going to recommend the same two books. I have Ms. Matlins’ and have looked through Mr. Schumann’s book. I plan to purchase the latter soon.