Blue Sapphire

Hi guys need some help.
Confirmed sapphire
I don’t know what to make of the inclusions
Also unsure if the last photo is some kind a filling?
Hoping you can help.


Not sure if you have reviewed these articles, but if you have stronger magnification, some types of inclusions could reveal heat treatment.

The blue/pinkish orange flashes seen at the facet edges are interesting…

So the images don’t help but just to get you started it looks like an unheated sapphire with unbroken silk. But with stronger magnification or better photos its possible to give an “idea” but best is to send to GIA or if you are under confident just go with a local cheap lab to test for synthetic vs natural.
Here is an article we made a few years ago to simplify heated vs unheated sapphire.

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I would read this GIA article about inclusion in both natural and synthetic sapphires. The photos are really helpful:

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Thankyou for helps

Take it to your local jewelry store, they should be able to help you.