I read that diamond colour grading goes from d to z,yet one of the test questions gives one of the multiple choice answers as B in a question about the colour of diamonds.Are there B coloured diamonds?im very confused and wondered if the question had been written wrong.
I keep checking to see if someone answered this because I’m curious and did some googling (I know we can all google For GIA at least, I couldn’t find anything saying there is such a thing as a B-colored diamond. The only place I saw a mention of a B grade was on wikipedia for a historical grading system no longer used.
GIA does mention that colored diamonds go beyond the Z range but doesn’t mention “B” grade for color.
“Diamonds in the normal color range are colorless through light yellow and are described using the industry’s D-to-Z color-grading scale. Fancy color diamonds, on the other hand, are yellow and brown diamonds that exhibit color beyond the Z range, or diamonds that exhibit any other color face-up. These rare specimens come in every color of the spectrum, including, most importantly, blue, green, pink, and red.
I am a newbie on here, so please go easy gang. In reviewing the diamond pricing chart, there is an absence of many natural fancy colors. I notice there is a price chart for color enhanced diamonds but no such chart for natural pinks, for example. While I know diamonds can occur in almost any color why is there so little pricing information on natural Fancies? Thanks, all.
Regarding the test question: keep in mind that only one of those multiple choice options is the correct one. If you look at the options for that particular question, “Which diamond grade is closest to being colorless?,” you’ll notice that only one of the options is an actual diamond color grade. The rest are wrong and designed to test your knowledge. (For example, some of the other answers to that question might appear on diamond reports, but they aren’t diamond color grades).
For the record, “B” isn’t a diamond color grade.
Regarding the diamond pricing chart, some natural diamond colors are so rare, like red and pink, that there just isn’t enough market info to create a price list. Another example: Top-Color rubies (R 6/6) are so rare there is not enough trade data for price info specifically on rubies of that quality. So, our ruby price list starts with info for Very Good rubies (R 5/6).
@psanchez. Thank you. That makes total sense.